We’ve all been there, waiting for the doctor even after showing up on time for our appointment. It’s even worse when you are waiting with cranky kids. So what is your doctor is doing anyway? The Ideal Situation In a perfect world, a doctor’s day might…
In the field of medicine, the spotlight is often on the information the doctor gives the patient. I find that while I try to advise people in the clinic based on with the knowledge I’ve gained, often I walk away from a patient encounter feeling…
One of my favorite things to do while discussing development is to make suggestions for toys to have at home, especially around birthdays and holidays. If your friends and family are asking you what to get the kids this holiday season, here are some good ideas…
Fever phobia is alive and well. Nothing sends a family to the ER at 2 in the morning like a high fever. So what is a fever and when do parents need to worry? Keep in mind that a fever is defined by a body…
Middle School. I know no one who would be willing to relive those awkward, anxious years. Changing bodies, changing classes, changing circles of friends. More hormones, more homework, more stress. And, as parents who have lived through it, it’s natural for us to want to…
The other day I was in a patient room making small talk with a 7 year-old, and I asked him, “What do you wanna be when you grow up?” He quickly replied, “An inventor!” This of course led me to ask what he wanted to…
We all know that the recommendation is for kids to get 60 minutes of physical activity per day. However, with the demands of homework and the distraction of electronics, that can be really hard. Now’s a great time to focus on physical activities you can…
Have you seen the #LikeAGirl video making the rounds recently? If not, take a minute (OK, three minutes) to watch it and then read on. The video is a social experiment. First, the director asks teenage girls and boys to “run like a girl”, “fight…
Summer is here and with summer comes lots of warm weather, sun, and outdoor fun. So here’s my friendly doctor mom reminder about sun protection. Most parents remember to put sunscreen on their kids when going to the beach or pool, but remember sunscreen should…
It’s that time of the year once again. No, not the Holidays, but the end of another school year and all the events that follow. From recitals, end of year school parties, proms and graduations. Everybody is excited and if not, at least relieved, that…