New Baby’s Nursery: Used vs. New Items?

Used Baby Items:

Often times we get hand-me-downs or find things at second hand stores that help defray the costs of becoming a new parent.  Some things to remember to keep your infant safe:


Do Not Buy Some Used Items:

Buying “used” can save you lots of money, but some items are simply not a bargain if they put your child’s safety at risk.

  • Mattresses:  These can harbor germs and cause infection, in fact, it is recommended to buy a new mattress for each new baby you welcome into your family.
  • Car seat:  It is not recommended to buy an infant or child’s car seat second-hand.  A used car seat may have been in a crash, even if you can’t see any signs of it.  Thus, compromising its integrity, leaving you with a weakened/unsafe seat.  If the seat is being sold/given to you by a known friend or family member make sure to get the car seat’s history from them.  If there was even a minor crash, you shouldn’t use it!


Many Used Baby Items Can Be Safely Purchased:

As long as you carry out some simple checks to help to make sure they are safe and sturdy.

  • Strollers:
    • Make sure the wheels aren’t wobbly, there is a working 5 point seatbelt and the fabric is not stretched or frayed.
  • Baby monitors
  • High chairs:
    • Again make sure they are sturdy and have a good safety belt!
  • Diaper bags
  • Diaper pails
  • Books
  • Clothing & shoes; You can save a lot buying used apparel!


You should check websites such as‎ to ensure there have been no product recalls on the items you are getting used.