Gina Rosenfeld, M.D., F.A.A.P.
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Dr. Rosenfeld has been practicing as a pediatrician in private practice for over 17 years. She is Board Certified and a Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics. In 1994, Dr. Rosenfeld joined Children’s Medical Group and has remained there as a long-term primary caregiver to her young patients in North San Diego County. Dr. Rosenfeld practices direct patient care in the office and hospital setting, as well as a number of other clinical functions. In addition to her clinical roles, Dr. Rosenfeld has worked extensively with pediatric policy. Through her appointment as Chairman of Pediatrics at Palomar Medical Center (1998 to 2000), to her contributions on the CPMG Quality of Care Committee and her appointment to the CPMG Executive Advisory Board, Dr. Rosenfeld has served as a voice for pediatric patients in San Diego.

Dr. Rosenfeld completed her Pediatric Residency at The University of California, San Diego. She received her Doctor of Medicine from New York Medical College and her B.A. in Biochemistry and Cell Biology from The University of California, San Diego

Beyond her career achievements, Dr. Rosenfeld was honored to be named as a New York Medical College Merit Trustee Scholar, the recipient of the Glasgow Memorial Achievement Citation and Outstanding Intern in Neonatology at UCSD Medical Center. Dr. Rosenfeld maintains a longstanding affiliation with the Alpha Omega Alpha Medical Honor Society. Additionally, Dr. Rosenfeld is an honored recipient of the Patients Choice Award 2008, 2009, 2010 and The Compassionate Doctor Award 2010.

Dr. Rosenfeld loves being a mom and remains quite busy outside the office with her husband and two boys.

Recent Posts by Gina Rosenfeld, M.D., F.A.A.P.

Posted on Dec 18, 2017

As the year comes to a close, I am thinking about the year behind and the new year ahead.  Likewise, as many of us do, I am resolving to make changes in the New Year.  I have come up with a few very positive resolutions…

Posted on Mar 1, 2017

With spring around the corner, we can finally look forward to longer and warmer days. And thanks to all of the rain, this year is shaping up to be quite the year for outdoor allergies.  Seasonal allergic rhinitis, more commonly known as “hay fever,” affects…

Posted on Aug 5, 2016

Soon to be gone are the lazy, relaxed days of summer.  With summer coming to an end, it’s time to get back to some structure and routine and the best way to start the school year off right is with healthy habits… Sleep    If…

Posted on May 11, 2016

Whether you’re a new or seasoned parent, I’m sure you can agree that having a baby changes everything.  There is nothing harder, more rewarding, and more important than being a parent, and once you are, family takes on a whole new meaning.  I would like…

Posted on Mar 3, 2015

Screen time, texting, multi media use and distracted driving.  It’s an epidemic.  It’s hard to get away from it.  Starting at a very young age we introduce our children and unfortunately babies to screen time.  I see it in my office every day.  It used…

Posted on Feb 9, 2015

Well child checks are a routine part of a child’s life.  These visits are opportunities to follow their growth and development and to review accurate information regarding their overall health.  Topics such as nutrition, bedwetting, parenting, and, of course, vaccinations can all be reviewed at…

Posted on Sep 30, 2014

Middle School. I know no one who would be willing to relive those awkward, anxious years. Changing bodies, changing classes, changing circles of friends. More hormones, more homework, more stress. And, as parents who have lived through it, it’s natural for us to want to…

Posted on Aug 1, 2014

Have you seen the #LikeAGirl video making the rounds recently? If not, take a minute (OK, three minutes) to watch it and then read on. The video is a social experiment. First, the director asks teenage girls and boys to “run like a girl”, “fight…

Posted on Jun 11, 2014

Summer is here and with summer comes lots of warm weather, sun, and outdoor fun. So here’s my friendly doctor mom reminder about sun protection. Most parents remember to put sunscreen on their kids when going to the beach or pool, but remember sunscreen should…

Posted on May 28, 2014

It’s that time of the year once again. No, not the Holidays, but the end of another school year and all the events that follow. From recitals, end of year school parties, proms and graduations. Everybody is excited and if not, at least relieved, that…