Adrienne Lostetter M.D., F.A.A.P.
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I have been practicing in San Diego since 2013 and in general pediatrics since 1997. I trained in Texas, and have practiced all over the US while my husband served for 24 years in the USAF. I enjoy watching children grow and develop, teaching kids how to have healthy eating habits and an active lifestyle and like to include families in medical decision making for their children. My special interests are allergy and asthma. I also have a special understanding for military children as my own children moved frequently while my husband served.

Recent Posts by Adrienne Lostetter M.D., F.A.A.P.

Posted on Feb 12, 2016

Good, sound sleep is vital for babies, children and teens. It’s just as important as a healthy diet and exercise in order for a kid to grow both physically and mentally. But establishing a consistent sleep routine can be challenging. You might wonder just how…